Byt and Tytan

Gerbetta are a specie by Daisy Vayle on Deviant Art!

"Byt(Bit): Byt is smaller than Tytan and spends much more time in water than Tytan. If someone approaches their cage or puts something new in their cage, he's the first to run over. Byt is very curious and likes attention. He isn't as fond as being held as Tytan is but likes being played with and will chase after toys. He loves new additions to their cage and new toys. 

Tytan: Tytan seems to think he's his namesake(Titan) and walks around like he rules the Earth. He gets agitated easily but loves attention. He is very tame and loves being held and pet. They also have a turtle in their cage and Tytan likes to sit on her shell which she doesn't seem to mind. Her name is Hynge, BTW. Tytan also likes to climb on stuff, like plants in their cage.

   I picture that Tytan stomps around, well as much as a gerbetta can stomp around, and Byt more or less hops and waddles more than just plain walking or running.  And Tytan has really long fins but they got tattered a bit when he was at the pet store.
Tytan and Byt are brothers. Both are males but they have a large enough cage with no females(other than Hinge, but she doesn't really count) that they do get along. Whenever some one is looking at them, other than their owner, they try to act all big and tough and ignore the other and pretend they're alone in the cage though LOL. But they can be found sleeping next to each and playing together if they don't know anyone is watching them.

Their owner is a 14yo girl who loves animals but is allergic to most pets. So her parents let her get a turtle but at the pet shop she found two gerbettas in a cage that was too small and begged her parents to buy them, too. And she spoils her little turtle and gerbettas. 

Quite a bit about Tytan and Byt are based off pets I actually had. The darker purples on Tytan from a betta I had. The dark blue on Byt from a different betta. The fact they get along despite both being males-from those two fish. We had two betta(bettas? idk what's the plural of betta?) in the same tank-both males-and they got along perfectly fine and never fought. They even shared the car decoration in the tank. I assume they got along since we have a huge tank so plenty of space, they didn't have to fight over food, and there were no females in the tank to fight over either. Ahaha, I hope the fact Tytan and Byt get along despite both being males is fine! "

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